School History
The Story Of Our Epiphany At The Academy
The story of the Epiphany and the Three Wise Men is the story of an unlikely journey – much like the story of The Academy. An epiphany involves – a search – a journey – a discovery and a change.
On Epiphany day 2012 this school community began a new journey. We saw a brightly shining star. But our star was not found in the far off eastern sky. Our brightly shining star was found in the eyes of our school children. We decided to follow it.
We were a group of concerned Catholic parents and community leaders who saw an opportunity to deliver a faith and education approach that was missing in many of today’s schools. We were fueled, not by our limited intelligence and reason, but by a divine discontentment that we could not stand by and fail in our sacred responsibility to educate this generation and future generations in our Catholic faith.
We would take the small pebbles of our modest time, talent and treasure; toss them into the pond of this holy challenge and ask God to multiply our small ripples into a tidal wave of positive change. And so it began The Regina Academy At St. John the Baptist was created. We and our many parents began to quickly understand that God had a vision for his children and his little humble school in Bucks County.
God’s vision was to help educate his children in the very meaning of their existence so that they could become the persons that he created them to be. This journey begins with the understanding that the purpose of our existence is to know, love and serve God in this world and to be happy with him forever in heaven. When knowing, loving and serving God becomes integrated with the pursuit of knowledge a student is launched on a life long journey for truth and
The Regina Academy at Saint John the Baptist is not just about education. It is about transformation. Education becomes not only the accumulation of facts, but also the ability to use the information to discern what is true, right and lasting. Faith and reason, cultivated through our classical curriculum, combine to propel our students to see the “why” of existence and knowledge not just the “what’.
Pursuing academic excellence at our Academy means students are mentored, encouraged and loved to become the persons’ that God created them to be and, in so doing, reach their full potential. This means of nurturing spiritual growth prepares our students with a sense of purpose and direction that is founded on the eternal truths of our faith. These truths provide the rudder when our students ultimately begin to navigate the turbulent waters of life. These are also the truths that will guide their life’s choices and lead them to develop into virtuous young men and women blessed with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control------the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Clothed with these fruits of the Holy Spirit, our graduates are prepared intellectually, morally and spiritually to go into their communities as virtuous leaders who will stand up to cultural pressures and transform society in the image of God.
This is the story of our school’s epiphany. This is God’s vision for The Regina Academy at Saint John the Baptist.